10 Signs a Person is High on Oxycodone

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For some people, taking Oxycodone is extremely important as this allows them to better deal with pain in relation to an injury, illness, or surgical procedure. Others, however, take this drug in an illicit manner. Rather than using it to deal with pain, they do so as a means of getting high.

If you are concerned that a loved one is abusing Oxycodone, it is important to become familiar with the signs and symptoms associated with such behavior.

high on Oxycodone

Respiratory depression is a clear sign of Oxycodone use.

Below are some of the signs that a person may be high on Oxycodone:

  1. Impairment of physical and mental abilities. Is the person having a difficult time walking? How about carrying on a conversation? This type of impairment is often times associated with Oxycodone abuse.
  2. Depressed respiration. It is not uncommon for a person on this drug to have a difficult time breathing. This is particularly true in the event of consuming a large dose.
  3. Incoherent thoughts. Is the person talking but not making sense? Is the person having a hard time saying anything you understand? This is another one of the common signs of an Oxycodone high.
  4. Dizziness. While not always the case, some people who are high on Oxycodone will find it a challenge to stay upright. Instead, they will sway from side to side and find it hard to remain on their feet.
  5. Nausea. This doesn’t typically set in right away, but a person who takes Oxycodone, especially on a regular basis, could experience nausea (sometimes accompanied by vomiting).
  6. Sleepiness. Somebody who is high on Oxycodone will eventually begin to wear down, wanting to do nothing more than sleep.
  7. Mood swings. Just the same as many drugs, a person high on Oxycodone may be combative at one point and friendly at another. Mood swings are extremely common.
  8. Denial. Have you asked the person if he or she is high on Oxycodone? While you are hoping for an honest answer, you shouldn’t expect it. There is a good chance the other party will deny any wrongdoing.
  9. Itching. The more Oxycodone a person takes the better chance there is that he or she will begin to itch. This can lead to excessive scratching.
  10. Sweating. This is one of those signs that is easy to pinpoint. If a person is sweating profusely, he or she may be high on Oxycodone.

These are just a few of the many signs that a person is high on Oxycodone. If you notice one or more of these symptoms in a loved one, it may be time to lend a hand in getting them the help they need.

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