Can You Take Oxycodone While Breastfeeding?

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The simple answer to the question, “can you take oxycodone while breast feeding”, is yes. Unfortunately, this issue is a lot more complex. Although many people take oxycodone for pain after a cesarean or from post birth pain, oxycodone is still a very powerful addictive drug.

Taking Oxycodone While Breastfeeding

According to the National Library of Medicine, you should have a serious talk with your doctor if you are considering breastfeeding while on oxycodone. Doctors use oxycodone to treat moderate to severe pain. Short term use is perfectly normal. If you suspect that you are already addicted to oxycodone call 888-810-2643. We can help you find the treatment you need before your addiction harms your baby.

It is important to note that many doctors disagree about prescribing oxycodone while you are breastfeeding. Due to its addictive nature, doctors are now turning to safer alternatives for pain management in breastfeeding women.

Addiction Possibilities

Unfortunately, oxycodone is very addictive. It is possible to become addicted in only a few doses. According to the Food and Drug Administration, not only can you become addicted to oxycodone but your baby may become addicted as well. Some newborns show symptoms of withdrawal such as:

  • irritability
  • hyperactivity
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • shaking
  • weight loss
  • high pitches crying
  • difficulty sleeping
Oxycodone While Breastfeeding

Taking oxycodone while breastfeeding can cause respiratory distress in an infant.

These symptoms can also happen if you are taking oxycodone while you are breastfeeding and stop.

If you are taking oxycodone, particularly the oral solution, it can be passed through the breast milk causing your baby to be:

  • sleepy
  • have difficulty breathing
  • have difficulty eating
  • could suffer from respiratory distress or failure

This is why many doctors do not recommend taking oxycodone while you are pregnant or nursing. Depending on your level of pain, you might decide not to breastfeed in order to take the oxycodone.

Using Oxycodone Recreationally While Breastfeeding

If you are addicted to oxycodone before becoming pregnant or while you are pregnant, you should seek treatment immediately. Breastfeeding with high levels of oxycodone in your system is dangerous to your baby. A baby’s system cannot handle the same amount of oxycodone that your body can. This makes it more likely that your baby will overdose on the medication.

In an adult, a hospital can administer naloxone to stop an overdose, this is extremely difficult to do in a baby. Taking any medication recreationally while you are pregnant or nursing is extremely dangerous to the baby.

Treatment While you are Pregnant or Nursing

It is possible to seek treatment while you are pregnant or nursing. With treatment can you reduce the risks to your baby. When you are off the oxycodone, you will not have to worry about your child being born an addict or becoming one through your breast milk.

There are a lot of treatment options available if you are addicted to oxycodone. To find one all you can to do is call 888-810-2643.

Dangerous Side Effects of Oxycodone

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