Effects of an Oxycodone Overdose

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Oxycodone is an opiate medication that is prescribed for pain. Oxycodone is a very power powerful analgesic narcotic that is part of the opiate family that includes Percocet, Vicodin and Morphine. It is effective for treating relief of pain when it is used as prescribed by a doctor, however when the drug is abused and taken for recreational purposes, it can be dangerous.

Is Oxycodone Addictive?

Oxycodone and other opiates are very addictive. Another illicit form of an opiate is heroin, and Oxycodone is basically a synthetic version of heroin. People mistakenly believe that because a drug is prescribed by their doctor that it is safe and doesn’t run the same risks associated with illegal drugs like heroin and cocaine. That just isn’t true. You can become addicted to prescribed medication even when it is taken as directed, and the truth is that there is no difference between the heroin shooting junky and the Oxycodone or Percocet popping Wall Street executive.

What are the Effects of an Oxycodone Overdose?

oxycodone effects

An overdose on oxycodone can lead to respiratory failure and death.

Because Oxycodone and other opiates work by controlling pleasure and pain sensors in the brain, they cause a sense of euphoria by increasing levels of dopamine and release powerful mood enhancing endorphins. This pleasure sensation is what the user tries to achieve when they abuse the drug. After a while a tolerance is built up to the drug and more Oxycodone is required to feel that same sense of pleasure. This can lead to using increased amounts of Oxycodone and can cause an overdose.

When someone overdoses on opiates it very dangerous. When taken in large doses Oxycodone can cause respiratory failure which can cause brain damage if oxygen is cut off to the brain for too long. It can cause critical drops in blood pressure that sometimes causes cardiac arrest and depressed respiration which can even lead to death.

Can Oxycodone Overdose Be Fatal?

Oxycodone overdose is highly dangerous and can be fatal. When there is too much of a drug like Oxycodone in the blood system it sends the body into shock. Fatalities increase when Oxycodone is mixed with alcohol or taken with other drugs that can effect the central nervous system. According to NIDA, “The consequences of it’s abuse have been steadily worsening, reflected in increased treatment admissions, emergency room visits and overdose deaths”.

Oxycodone Addiction Treatment

If you have overdosed on Oxycodone or are worried about a loved one who has, it is time to talk to a doctor for advice on how to get treatment. Professional drug treatment is recommended when an addiction to Oxycodone becomes apparent. The first step is detoxing the drug from the system, which is usually followed by residential treatment for six months to a year and should be followed by aftercare with a program like Narcanon. Recovery from addictions of all kinds are possible with a solid plan and strong resolve but is important to understand that addiction is a chronic disease and while it can be controlled it cannot be cured and must be managed for a lifetime.

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