What to Know about Oxycodone and Pregnancy

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pregnancy and prescription drugs

Pregnant women should take into consideration the effects drugs have on their unborn baby.

Are you pregnant? Are you breastfeeding? Are you trying to conceive? If you answered yes to any of these questions, it is important to pay close attention to any medications you are taking.

Note: you should only take medication after speaking with a qualified medical professional about your situation. This person can help you understand what you should and should not be doing, both for your health as well as the health of your baby.

Oxycodone is a narcotic pain reliever that is commonly prescribed for a variety of reasons. That being said, it can be addictive if taken for too long or abused in any way.

As noted above, oxycodone should only be used as prescribed by your health professional. If you take it upon yourself to make your own rules, it could end up causing you harm.

FDA Drug Category B

Oxycodone is part of the FDA Drug Category B, meaning that there are no reports of birth defects associated with taking the drug. For this reason, you should not stop taking it until you discuss your concerns with your doctor.

Are you Trying to Conceive?

Anybody who is trying to have a baby must pay attention to the drugs they are putting into their body, including prescription medications such as oxycodone. There are no clinical studies on oxycodone effects on fertility. For this reason, it is not believed that the drug has any impact on fertility, however, it is important to discuss the side effects of the drug with your doctor, as these may have an impact on your ability to conceive.

Effects on Pregnancy

Even though oxycodone is within the FDA pregnancy category B, it is important to note that even when used safely, if used for too long it can lead to neonatal withdrawal. This is particularly true if the drug is used during the last trimester.

Safety while Breastfeeding

For mothers who have plans on breastfeeding, it is important to realize the impact that taking oxycodone will have. Infants who are breastfeeding to a mother taking oxycodone could experience difficulty with this process as well as sleepiness. If at all possible, it is best to discontinue the use of oxycodone before breastfeeding, as this will eliminate the possibility of your baby facing health concerns.

There are many things you need to know about oxycodone and pregnancy, as well as the impact as you try to conceive or breastfeed.

Rather than take a risk, thinking you know what is best, consult with your doctor to ensure that you are not taking any medication that could have a negative impact on you or your child.

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