
We can help you find local opiate addiction treatment, call 888-810-2643 for a free referral.

Receive-Help-for-Oxycodone-WithdrawalMany people seek professional help when it comes to the symptoms that they feel as a result of Oxycodone dependence. Oxycodone withdrawal help is best provided in a healthcare setting such as a residential detox center where the patient can receive adequate healthcare and around-the-clock treatment to help ease the pain.

Oxycodone withdrawal, like the withdrawal symptoms felt from most opiates, is rather difficult to go through. There is often pain and discomfort, there is nausea and vomiting and there could be internal side effects that are not even seen on the outside. Oxycodone withdrawal help most often consists of:

  • Keeping the patient as comfortable as possible by providing medications to ease symptoms, plenty of peace and quiet for rest and relaxation, and moral support
  • Reassuring the patient that the symptoms will not last forever and that once the symptoms of withdrawal go away, they are gone for good
  • Providing around-the-clock medical care and monitoring of vitals to ensure safety in detox
  • Providing a caring and supportive environment that is non-judgmental

All of these aspects go into providing effective Oxycodone withdrawal help during the most difficult phase of the addiction treatment process. For a user who has been addicted for a very long time or has taken excessive doses of Oxycodone, the withdrawal phase could last about a month at most but typically the serious symptoms of withdrawal will subside within about 10-14 days. This may seem like an eternity for the patient but there is hop and help in recovery.

If you or someone you know is addicted to Oxycodone, call our helpline at 888-810-2643 to talk with a counselor who can help you get through withdrawal and begin the journey to recovery. Our counselors are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and understand what you are going through. They can assist you in finding the right local treatment for your addiction so that you can stop worrying and start recovering!

Oxycodone withdrawal help is likely the most important factor for most recovering addicts when they make the courageous decision to seek treatment for their addiction. Because of the severity and perplexity of the symptoms of Oxycodone withdrawal, many addicts choose not to seek help simply because they are in fear of having to go through withdrawal.

Fortunately, medical advances and advances in addiction treatment have paved the way for more effective, comfortable Oxycodone detox. Patients are now able to detox without having to go through the pain they once did and the result is a happier, healthier, you.

If you need help, call our toll free helpline at 888-810-2643 to talk to someone who cares about you and your recovery today!

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