How Long Does Oxycodone Withdrawal Last?

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If you are addicted to oxycodone, the easy thing to do is continue taking the drug. You know that quitting will lead to a variety of withdrawal symptoms. While this may be true, it is necessary if you want to put your addiction behind you once and for all.

Some people say that oxycodone withdrawal only lasts a few weeks. Others, however, will tell you that they have been clean for many years but still dealing with a variety of symptoms.

How you react to oxycodone withdrawal depends on many factors, including the amount of time you were abusing the drug, your body, your age, and your overall level of physical and mental health.

For help finding treatment for oxycodone withdrawal call 888-810-2643 toll free today.

How Long Does Oxycodone Withdrawal Last?

Generally speaking, physical side effects of oxycodone withdrawal will not last an extended period of time. Those who say they are still feeling the side effects after many months or years are typically speaking of the mental impact.

The Early Days

As you can imagine, the most difficult days of oxycodone withdrawal are the first few. Most people begin to experience symptoms approximately 12 to 24 hours after their last dose is taken.

Once you are fully entrenched in the withdrawal process, a variety of symptoms will come to the forefront. These can include but are not limited to nausea and vomiting, overall body pain, depression, anxiety, abdominal cramping, and diarrhea.

Moving Forward

By the time you reach days four and five, the worst is typically behind you. This doesn’t mean you are in the clear. This doesn’t mean you won’t have cravings. What it does mean is that the most serious and powerful symptoms are likely in the past. As long as you continue down the right path, never taking oxycodone again, you will remain on track.

After approximately one week, most people find that they have successfully worked their way through the oxycodone withdrawal process. Even though you will feel better, there can be some lingering side effects, including both anxiety and nausea.

For help finding treatment for oxycodone addiction call 888-810-2643 toll free today.

There is no way of knowing for sure how long oxycodone withdrawal symptoms will last. Some people are able to feel better after a few days, while others have to fight powerful symptoms and cravings for a few weeks or longer.

What matters most is that you know what to expect and how to deal with anything that comes your way. For most, it is easier to beat an addiction by checking into a rehabilitation center.

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