Why Does Oxycodone Withdrawal Happen?

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Oxycodone is a powerful opiate that is often prescribed for the treatment of moderate to severe pain. Widely known as Percocet, Percodan or Oxycontin, this drug is available only by prescription; unfortunately, this doesn’t stop people from getting their hands on it and using it for recreational purposes. When abused or used regularly for a prolonged period of time, Oxycodone withdrawal can occur.

What is Withdrawal?

opioid dependence

Withdrawal is the body’s response to not having oxycodone once it has gotten used to it.

According to the Center for Substance Abuse Research, “the opportunity for experiencing withdrawal symptoms when using prescription opioids is extremely high, especially when the user stops suddenly.” Symptoms of withdrawal vary depending on the severity of the withdrawal and the individual user. Most common symptoms of Oxycodone withdrawal include:

  • Agitation and irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Muscle aches and bone pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Abdominal cramping
  • Watery eyes and runny nose
  • Diarrhea

Why Withdrawal Occurs

Withdrawal is the result of abruptly quitting or dramatically reducing the dose of Oxycodone that is regularly taken. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, using drugs such as Oxycodone can lead to physical dependence which is ultimately described as relying on the drug to prevent symptoms of withdrawal from occurring. When physical dependence on Oxycodone occurs, the body adjusts to being provided this drug and when the drug is eliminated from the equation, it takes time to recover and adjust back to normal. During this time of adjustment, withdrawal symptoms such as agitation, anxiety and general discomfort occur.

Treating Oxycodone Withdrawal

Medically supervised withdrawal in a controlled detoxification facility is the best means of treatment for patients who are suffering from Oxycodone withdrawal symptoms. According to Harvard Health, there is no single method of detox that is proven effective for everyone who is dealing with symptoms of withdrawal. The most common methods of treatment that are offered to help users overcome symptoms of Oxycodone withdrawal include:

  • Methadone Maintenance Treatment – daily dosing of the synthetic opiate Methadone that reduces cravings and symptoms of withdrawal allowing the user to live a more normal life.
  • Rapid opiate detox – a controversial method of placing the user under general anesthesia while providing an opiate antagonist that accelerates withdrawal symptoms while the user is unconscious.
  • Clonidine treatment – a blood pressure reducing medication that can sometimes be prescribed to reduce the amount of time that withdrawal takes allowing for improved recovery times.
  • Support – sometimes, the best treatment for Oxycodone withdrawal is provided in the form of support and a helping hand when the user feels as if he or she cannot go another day without using.

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