Benefits of Getting Help for Oxycodone Abuse

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Many people know that oxycodone is a very effective and widely prescribed painkiller. However, it is also a highly addictive and dangerous drug. Oxycodone is an opiate derived from the same plant that is used to produce heroin, and use of the drug comes with many of the same potential dangers for damage to the mind and body. Getting help for oxycodone abuse is one of the best ways to minimize this damage and keep the drug from taking over your life.

Your Health will Improve

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the abuse of opioid pain relievers, such as oxycodone, have a number of negative health effects including possible brain damage.

If you stop using these negative health effects will not get any worse and most will improve greatly. The best way to quit oxycodone is by getting help. If you need help finding help for your oxycodone addiction and its underlying causes, call us at 888-810-2643 today.

A Doctor will Give you Safe Medications for Pain

Oxycodone Abuse

Counseling will help identify why you started abusing drugs.

People suffering from chronic pain are prescribed oxycodone on a regular basis. Unfortunately, this many times results in abuse or addiction, particularly in individuals suffering from chronic pain conditions. When seeking help for oxycodone abuse, you will be able to get pain medications that are not opioids. These include certain anti-depressants, convulsion medications, and prescription strength over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen.

Counselors will Help you Deal with the Underlying Causes of your Addiction

In most cases of substance abuse and addiction, there is some underlying cause of the behaviors that led to the addiction. Sometimes is a desire to self-medicate some physical or mental illness and other times it is simply a desire to feel good or get high.

Regardless of the reason an addiction begins, there has to be a component of treatment that addresses these reasons and helps the addicted individual avoid future relapse.

You can Receive Medically Assisted Withdrawal

Withdrawal is one of the most frightening and most dangerous aspects of oxycodone treatment. There are ways to make this process safer and easier, though. One such method is medically assisted withdrawal that uses medications to help ease withdrawal symptoms. According to the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, there are currently three medications approved for the treatment of opioid addiction. All three of these may be available to you if you seek help for your oxycodone addiction.

You will Learn How to Build and Maintain a Support Network

All of the experts agree that perhaps the most important element in any addiction treatment is having a strong and long-lasting support network to both help you get through the initial treatment procedures, and then help you maintain sobriety throughout the rest of your life.

Treatment centers place you with other individuals that are in the same situation you are, and they also help you recognize people in your life that can be counted on to help you when you need it.

If you or a loved one is experiencing the damaging effects of oxycodone abuse or addiction, you should get help today. The sooner you are treated, the sooner that you can get your life back. Call us today at 888-810-2643. We have dedicated experts standing by to assist you in finding the treatment that is right for you.

5 Benefits of Getting Treatment for Oxycodone Addiction

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