Can You Develop an Addiction to Oxycodone

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Oxycodone is a narcotic pain medication that is prescribed for pain. It is an opiate medication such as Vicodin, Percocet and Codeine. It works by effecting the way transmitters in the brain receive pain and pleasure stimulus. Your body manufactures similar chemicals on it’s own like dopamine and endorphins.

Can You Develop an Addiction to Oxycodone?

oxycodone addiction

Oxycodone is a very addictive painkiller.

Opiates such as oxycodone can become very addictive because once your brain becomes used to the new, manufactured chemicals, it actually no longer even recognizes the chemicals it manufactures on it’s own. When oxycodone use is discontinued or the dose is decreased, the brain reacts to the lack of feel good chemicals the body needs to feel well and causes withdrawal symptoms to users who have become tolerant to the drug.

If you are reading this, you probably already know what oxycodone withdrawal symptoms are, and you know that it can send an addict to the deepest point of despair. The symptoms are not only physical but can be psychological as well, making recovery seem nearly impossible for someone facing an opiate addiction. It can cause the strongest person to relapse and use oxycodone again to stop the excruciating pain associated with opiate withdrawal and other unpleasant symptoms.

It seems everyone’s lives has been touched personally by an addiction to opiates. You might have a family member or loved one going through an addiction to oxycodone right now. Whether it’s a loved one with an addiction or even yourself, you know the destruction an addiction to oxycodone and other opiates can cause if not treated.

Even now that addictions have become more prevalent and people are receiving treatment, according to NIH, “The abuse of prescription opiates continues to be unacceptably high”

Is Oxycodone Still Addictive if Prescribed by a Doctor?

Studies find that people who use opiates like oxycodone whether for illicit use or prescribed by a doctor can become addicted to the drug. Once the body has built up a resilience to the drug it might take more and more to achieve the same effect, thus causing the person to increase their dose. When the doses increase, so do the opportunities for addiction. Professional treatment will likely be necessary if addiction does occur.

Treatment for an Addiction to Oxycodone

Once the symptoms of an opiate addiction like oxycodone has been recognized, the next step is to find appropriate help. There are many options for treatment of opiate addictions. You should always discuss treatment options with your doctor first. Your doctor will be able to devise a plan of treatment for your addiction to opiates, while continuing to find alternate ways to manage the pain that created the need for the prescription in the first place. He might recommend an inpatient drug treatment center that can also help you to get through the detoxification process. After the detoxification process is complete, a long term drug treatment plan is recommended for the best chance at long term recovery.

If you think you have an addiction to oxycodone and need help you can use the SAMHSA Treatment Locator or call 1-800-662-HELP (4357).

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