Getting Off Oxycodone

We can help you find local opiate addiction treatment, call 888-810-2643 for a free referral.

DetoxHeader6Are you addicted to Oxycodone and trying to figure out a way of getting off oxycodone? If you or someone you know is addicted to oxycodone and needs help getting off the drug, there is help! Though it may be a long and difficult road to recovery, you can get past oxycodone addiction and live a sober lifestyle with the professional help of a counselor or treatment professional who cares about you and your needs.

Getting off oxycodone can be very difficult, especially when you think about the painful and uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms that you will likely experiences when you first quit using the drug. As time progresses, you will be more comfortable and the cravings to use Oxycodone will become less prevalent in your life—eventually you will even realize that you don’t even think about Oxycodone anymore.

Withdrawal & Detox

The first step to getting off Oxycodone is to take the steps toward sobriety by committing to abstinence from Oxycodone use. During your initial days following the abrupt decision to stop using Oxycodone, you will likely experience a number of withdrawal symptoms that may be difficult for you to cope with. This is all part of the detoxification phase and a necessary step if you are really committed to getting off Oxycodone.

The good thing is, you won’t have to go through withdrawals for very long! Most of the time, your body will begin to return to normal after about two weeks of detox. If you are finding that it is just impossible to cope with the symptoms of withdrawal, your treatment specialist can provide you with various medication options that will help to eliminate many of the withdrawal symptoms and may even reduce cravings making your detoxification process a little bit more comfortable for you overall.

Professional Help

It may be very difficult or nearly impossible for you to stop using Oxycodone without getting professionally help. A treatment specialist can provide you with medications, support, therapy and care that will assist you with recovery and help to keep you on the right path to sobriety. Professional help is almost always necessary when it comes to strong opiate addictions such as an Oxycodone addiction.

Don’t be afraid to call someone for help. Our counselors are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to assist you in your fight. Getting off oxycodone begins with a call to our helpline. The number is 888-810-2643 and our counselors are ready to help you get off Oxycodone once and for all!

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