5 Long Term Effects of Oxycodone You Should Be Aware Of

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There has been a lot of media attention given to oxycodone and other opiates in recent years, mostly because they are becoming more widely abused. Many people believe that since oxycodone is a prescription drug it is safer to use recreationally than similar, illegal drugs, such as heroin. However, there are many dangerous long term effects of oxycodone abuse, including these five long term effects.

1. Addiction

Addiction may be the most obvious consequence of long term oxycodone use, but that doesn’t make it any less dangerous or destructive. Addiction makes people do all manner of things that they may never even consider otherwise.

This includes criminal activities, turning away from friends and family, risky sexual behaviors, and ignoring health and personal hygiene. All of these can ruin your life, and make it nearly impossible to get it back.

Getting treatment as soon as possible limits the negative aspects of addiction, and prevents it from continuing to make your decisions for you.

2. Tolerance

According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, tolerance occurs when the brain and body of a drug user becomes used to the amount of the drug in their system, requiring them to take larger quantities to achieve the same results.

Long Term Effects

Oxycodone abuse can damage your ability to experience pleasure.

This is often a precursor of addiction, and may become an issue even if the drug is not being abused. Once you have begun to experience tolerance to oxycodone, treatment is the best way to counteract the effects.

If you are in need of oxycodone addiction treatment, call us at 888-810-2643.

3. Loss of Pleasure

Oxycodone effects the chemical receptors in the brain responsible for communicating messages of pleasure and pain throughout the body. While this is beneficial for those using it to combat pain, long term abuse has been shown to damage these receptors, resulting in a drastic drop off in pleasurable feelings. Getting treatment now reduces the risk of this kind of damage.

4. Withdrawal

According to the National Library of Medicine, withdrawal occurs when you stop taking a drug after long term use. Withdrawal comes with a large quantity of unpleasant and possibly life threatening symptoms.

These symptoms include, vomiting, diarrhea, anxiety, pain, convulsions, and many more. It may not be possible to completely avoid withdrawal when quitting oxycodone use, but seeking treatment can greatly reduce the severity and duration of these symptoms, and make sure that they do not endanger your life.

The sooner you seek treatment, the more effective these methods will be.

5. Severe Psychological Disturbances

There is mounting evidence that oxycodone not only alter brain chemistry, but may even cause damage to certain chemical receptors in the brain. This damage has the possibility to create severe psychological symptoms that can last months or even years after use has stopped.

These symptoms may include panic attacks, sudden outbursts of anger, depression, and night terrors. To avoid these possible psychological symptoms, you must get treatment as soon as possible. Call us today at 888-810-2643, and let our dedicated staff assist you in finding the help you need to get off of oxycodone and get your life back.

Long Term Side Effects of Oxycodone

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