Street Names

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oxycodone-hydrochlorideOxycodone is found in a variety of different medications including Roxicodone, Oxycontin and Percocet. Most of the time, the street names used to describe Oxycodone are directly relevant to the specific type of drug that is being used. For instance, if Roxicodone is being used the street names may include Roxi, Blues or IR.

Why is it so important to know the many different Oxycodone street names? The primary reason that you should be aware of the various street names used to describe Oxycodone is so that you can recognize when others are talking about this drug. Law enforcement, doctors, educators and the friends and family members of those who use Oxycodone or other drugs should be aware of the various terms used to describe medications which contain Oxycodone so that they are aware of what users are up to.

Oxycodone addiction has led millions of users to go to great lengths in an effort to get high. As a result of a rise in the number of people who are dependent either physically or psychologically on Oxycodone, hundreds of potential street names have evolved to provide users with a language of their own when it comes to discussion the need for drugs, the purchase of drugs or other scenarios which include the use of Oxycodone.

Roxicodone is one of the most common Oxycodone containing drugs that is abused on the streets and is commonly referred to as OC, 30s or Oxy. The generic form of the drug as well as Oxycontin are both commonly called Oxy on the streets. Other Oxycodone street names that are widely used include Cotton, Hillbilly Heroin, 40s & 80s.

You may also hear various street terminology when a user refers to the methods by which they are getting their hands on Oxycodone containing drugs. Instead of only recognizing the Oxycodone street names, it’s important to also recognize other terms that commonly signify Oxycodone abuse such as pharming, doctor shopping and pill ladies.

Pharming refers to the method of taking various mixtures of prescription medications to “see what will happen.” Teens may be overhear discussing a “pharming” party and if this is the case, parents should be very serious about the dangers of such a party. Taking a mixture of prescription medications can be fatal if the user is not careful.

Pill Ladies are the elderly women who receive prescription painkillers such as Oxycontin and other forms of Oxycodone and sell the drugs to others. These are usually senior citizens who receive more of a drug than they need and resort to selling the drug to earn money.

Doctor shopping is another common term on the street. It means seeking out doctors who will openly write prescriptions without reviewing case history. Many Oxycodone addicts will go to multiple doctors and may even fake an illness in an effort to be prescribed more pills.

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