Alternative Treatments for Oxycodone Addiction

We can help you find local opiate addiction treatment, call 888-810-2643 for a free referral.

Methadone, Suboxone, and counseling are not the only treatments for oxycodone addiction. Many doctors are now turning towards alternative and complementary medicine in addition to more traditional techniques. These alternative treatments are often used to support more traditional addiction treatment.


Hypnosis is not just a parlor trick. It is a form of therapy that many psychologists use to:

  • relax their patients
  • control cravings
  • help with anxiety
  • treat depression and other mood disorders

Although hypnosis does not work on all patients, it can provide both short term and long term relief from oxycodone withdrawal.


Acupuncture is an ancient practice originally used by the Chinese. By inserting tiny needles into key points in the body, acupuncturists can manipulate the body’s reactions. According to the National Library of Medicine, acupuncture shows promise for opiate and oxycodone addiction treatment.

To find a treatment center that uses acupuncture or is at least open to the idea call 888-810-2643.

Acupoint Neural Stimulation

According to the National Library of Medicine, the Acupoint Neural Stimulator was effective in treating opiate addiction. Although the original study was completed with heroin addicts but can easily be translated into other addictions such as opiates and oxycodone.

Alternative Treatments

Qigong helps to align the mind and body during addiction recovery.


Qigong is another ancient Chinese practice. It involves specific slow movements to change the health and wellbeing of the person practicing it. Many people all over the world use qigong to help with everything from oxycodone addiction to cancer.

Similar to Tai Chi, the way that qigong works is to focus and align both the mind and body. Although no one knows exactly how it happens, those who practice qigong have a long history of feeling better during withdrawal and recovering from the drug addiction.


Electro Acupuncture is one of the newer forms of acupuncture. It uses electrical stimulation on key pressure points to help end addiction to a variety of substances, including oxycodone and other opiates. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, electro-acupuncture improved symptoms after only a few 30 minute sessions.


Meditation is a useful tool therapist have used for a long time. By forcing your body and mind to relax, you can control many of the body’s responses to things, including craving oxycodone.

There are a few different forms of meditation used in addiction therapy. These are:

  • individual meditation
  • guided meditation
  • group meditation
  • focused attention meditation
  • mindfulness
  • mantra meditation
  • individual oriented meditation

Many therapists teach and practice one or more of these types of meditation. During meditation a recovering addict might also use deep breathing and other relaxation techniques to help control the symptoms of withdrawal.

Herbal Medicine

Herbal teas and medications are also helpful when treating the symptoms of oxycodone withdrawal. When someone wants to stay completely away from prescription medication such as medications for insomnia or depression, herbal medications might help them cope with the symptoms of withdrawal from oxycodone.

Finding a Treatment Center that Uses Alternative Treatments for Oxycodone Addiction

Many traditional treatment centers use both the common methods and alternative methods of treatment. You can find one of these treatment centers by calling 888-810-2643.

5 Ways to Find Oxycodone Withdrawal Relief

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